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Hey Athletes: Sweeten Your Sweaty Feet and Shoes

Tying Shoe Laces

Running ShoesThe summer season isn’t over quite yet, and the warm weather can still make you sweat. This is especially true for athletes whose activities ensure that they will perspire a lot. That means running shoes are particularly susceptible to being soaked with moisture—and starting to smell. Managing smelly, sweaty feet can help prevent foot odor problems for athletes, though, and some simple home remedies can work wonders.

Try rubbing antiperspirant on your feet before you go for a run. Foot powder may help absorb excess moisture as well. Some foot soaks can help prevent your feet from sweating too much in the first place. Apple cider vinegar has an acid in it that reduces sweat, so soaking your feet in it may decrease their moisture. Black tea is a nicer-smelling alternative for a soak, though it may not be as strong.

Look for running shoes that allow your feet to breathe, too—fabric, leather, and mesh materials are your best options. Avoid choosing footwear made of rubber or plastic that will trap the air inside. If you can, keep two different pairs of shoes on hand so that each pair has a chance to dry between runs. Use fitted, moisture-wicking socks as well. They will help pull the sweat away from your skin and reduce the blister-inducing friction you may have with normal cotton socks.

Most likely you’ll still need to wash your shoes regularly to help with the odor, but these home remedies should minimize the problematic sweating. If you continue to struggle with sweaty feet, let us know at Country Foot Care in New York. We’ll see if medical remedies can help reduce the moisture problem if the others are unsuccessful. Call (516) 741-FEET or use the online request form to reach us for more information or an appointment.

Photo credit: Stuart Miles via

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