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Is Phoenix-Thera Lase right for you?

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When we hear of new treatments for injuries, especially when they are touted as less time-consuming and/or more effective than previous treatments, we are naturally intrigued. Whether we read about such innovations in newspaper or magazine articles, hear about them on the radio or TV or from a friend or colleague, our curiosity is peaked, particularly if we ourselves have a condition the treatment might cure or alleviate. Sometimes, we find out such information when a well-known athlete has suffered an injury and his or her recovery is crucial to the team’s success. New treatments are always being tested and often a treatment that is originally used for one injury or condition can be easily adapted to be used to treat another. One such treatment is Phoenix-Thera Lase.

What is Phoenix-Thera Lase?

Phoenix-Thera Lase typically involves a series of treatments. It has been successfully used to help with a wide range of conditions, including: plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, acute injuries, and bone healing. I have known it to be used to help a patient recover from a broken foot and have seen it do wonders for my own patients.

According to the Phoenix Thera-Lase website, the treatment is FDA-approved and “is a non-invasive, drug-free laser therapy treatment which provides relief and healing for both chronic and acute pain,” accelerates wound healing and reduces inflammation related to soft tissue (muscle and tendon) injuries. It has been successfully used to treat chronic pain in patients who previously relied on PRN (as needed) opioids.

How Phoenix-Thera Lase Works?

Phoenix-Thera Lase works easily, but its process is complex. During a treatment (usually 20-40 minutes in length), a precisely focused laser emits photon energy particles which, when they reach their target, are absorbed by photoreceptors in the body. Once received, these energy particles increase the flow of oxygen and blood, reducing inflammation and pain at the cellular level. Because this advanced technique promotes rapid, natural healing, it is becoming more and more popular.

Advantages of Phoenix-Thera Lase Treatment

Phoenix-Thera Laser Treatment has many advantages over other treatments, including that it is:

  • Safer
  • Noninvasive
  • Requires no hospitalization
  • Does not result in a wound that must be stitched or sterilized
  • Less time-consuming than other treatments
  • Capable of delivering 50 to 200 times the therapeutic power of other low-wave, non-thermal devices
  • Easily moved from one body site to another
  • Penetrates more deeply than other healing lasers, away from the skin
  • A constant steady wave aimed at the site for 60 seconds, rather than a pulsed wave

Phoenix-Thera Lase works equally well on patients who are professional athletes, weekend warriors, recreational players, or those who watch games from the comfort of their couches. Whichever category you fit into, I will be pleased to speak to you and evaluate your individual case in terms of whether this particular treatment is something you should consider. If you are experiencing any of the conditions previously mentioned and have tried other treatments to no avail, you may be a good candidate for this treatment. While in some circumstances Phoenix-Thera Lase will serve you well on its own, in other situations it works best in combination with other care methods.

If you have any questions about Phoenix-Thera Lase and what it could mean for your body, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are living in a world that is full of exciting and game-changing medical technologies, and I’d be delighted to help you navigate them.

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