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Orthotics and Skiing

woman skiing

The Thrill of Victory Over the Agony of Your Feet


With the holidays behind us and the snow falling, skiing season is truly upon us. Here on Long Island and throughout the metro-New York region equipment has been prepped, time has been requested off and reservations have been made. The various skiing venues throughout the Northeast and New England are jumping with activity. For the true ski enthusiasts who are in their element have been preparing for the last few months. Both running and hitting the gym have been part of their weekly regimen.

As with all exercise and athletic activities, our feet are part of the equation and often are the one area of our body that takes a beating. Wearing proper shoes, taking proper care of our feet and getting regular check ups are all necessary for proper foot health but sometimes long term physical activity or overuse can cause damage to our feet. The most common of these issues is pain in the ball of the foot called Metatarsalgia. Fortunately, the use of custom orthotics can help to alleviate and prevent this issue.

For the uninitiated, a custom orthotic is an insert that is designed to the unique specifications of your feet. These are placed in the shoes you wear to provide the proper support to eliminate and prevent issues such as metatarsalgia. The process by which custom orthotics are created is simple. A cast is made of your feet, which will capture the unique contours created by your heel, arch and the ball of your feet. These are then used to fabricate your orthotics that you can place in your shoes to provide your foot with the support necessary to ensure that each step is pain free.

For those who have used or currently use orthotics, the ones you have may not be the ones you need when it comes to skiing. While you could technically use an existing orthotic in the short term, ski boots are designed differently than casual, dress or other more common athletic shoes. In fact, if you participate in a variety of sports where your feet are prone to overuse, you might need additional orthotics based on the footwear you use.

Whether you are using orthotics or if you are experience pain in the ball of your foot, you should visit a qualified and skilled podiatry practice where you can be examined, properly diagnosed and if necessary, you can begin the process of having custom orthotics created for you. The doctors and staff of Country Foot Care can help you to perform your best in whatever athletic endeavor your chose. Along with fabricating custom orthotics, we offer a number of treatments that can help you to achieve a quicker and more complete recovery from any sports-related foot injuries you may be experiencing.

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