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NEWSLETTER ARTICLE 1: Get Your Toes In Tip Top Shape For Spring & Summer

Now that spring is coming, more people will be faced with that perilous choice: do I take off my shoes and risk embarrassment, or do I avoid the outdoors fun that the warm season brings? Toenail fungus, that unseemly, unsightly phenomenon that can turn a beautiful toenail into an ugly one, causes the toenail to break down and can spread to more than one toenail. If you suffer from toenail fungus, you are not alone.  In fact, 70% of people over the age of 65 have fungal toenails.

Now because of newer, more effective, and less invasive treatments for removing toenail fungus available to podiatrists today than there were even a few years ago, Country Foot Care can help you make that choice! Take off your shoes!

Are there health risks?

It’s important to know that this isn’t just about having feet that you’re comfortable showing off. It’s about staying healthy. Your toenails are made up of keratin tissue that performs an important function: the hardened tissue protects the toes from physical injury. Without it, the ends of your toes would be susceptible to constant scraping, and the damage would eventually lead to infection.

Second paragraph: Because toenail fungus deteriorates that keratin tissue over time, your toenails will become thickened, discolored, brittle and can emit a pungent foul odor.  Thick fungal toenails can cause pressure and pain in toes when you wear shoes.  Fungal toenails can also lead to more serious problems such as skin infections.  People with autoimmune diseases like diabetes are especially at risk, with complications that can lead to limb and life threatening problems.  That’s why it’s best to get rid of toenail fungus as soon as possible; waiting can increase the risk and severity of health related problems.

Where did I catch toenail fungus?

Chances are you came into contact with the fungi responsible for causing your ailment when you were outside in a warm damp environment, but it can also thrive in indoor environments where people walk or move about barefoot. Think showers, gyms, locker rooms, etc. If you don’t frequent a place where the fungi might grow, then you may have caught it from a close friend. If you share clothing such as socks or shoes, then you may have inadvertently made yourself vulnerable to the infection without even realizing it.

In order to prevent spreading the fungus to others, don’t partake in these activities. Don’t share clothing, and don’t walk barefoot where others do the same. When you’re outside, try to keep your feet covered when possible in order to limit exposure.

Does toenail fungus spread?

 This is perhaps a question that people don’t ask themselves often enough, or maybe they don’t understand the implications of the answer. Yes, toenail fungus can spread–but not just from person to person. Toenail fungus can also spread to other parts of the body.  Keep in mind the fungus thrive in warm, moist, dark environments.  It can jump from one toenail to another, cause athlete’s foot (skin fungal infection) and “jock itch” when it spreads to the genital area. If your underwear comes in contact with your toenails, you can spread the infection.  Rule of thumb: put your socks on first!

How is toenail fungus treated?

While there are many treatments available, the newest are the most effective. Outdated remedies are applied only topically, but aren’t able to do much to alleviate symptoms or combat the infection. This is because the fungus digs deeper the longer you allow the infection to remain untreated. By the time most people do seek medical care, topical treatments are all but useless. Another option is oral medication, but that can potentially damage the liver and kidneys and may not even work.

The most effective treatment available for treating toenail fungus today is the Pinpointe Toenail Laser.  The treatment only takes a half hour even if all ten toenails are infected.  Toenail laser treatment is painless and have no side effects. Some patients feel a warming sensation in the nails as the treatment progresses.  Over time, as new toenail grows out, over 90% of the people treated notice a marked improvement, with their nails gradually clearing and thinning out over 8-12 months.

Even though many of us live with toenail fungus, it doesn’t have to be that way. No one should have to endure a condition that can lead to future complications, and no one should have to feel uncomfortable baring their feet in public. Call and book an appointment today!

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