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Nail Polish Safety for Beautiful Toes

Woman Getting Pedicure

Pedicure SafetyWarm weather and upcoming vacation season are the perfect excuses to have your nails painted. This is the season of open-toed shoes, so you want your nails to look nice. Polish gives your digits a splash of color and glamour. However, nail polish safety is an issue, whether you realize it or not. Some of the ingredients used to make those smooth colors and keep them looking nice are actually quite toxic.

Three chemicals—formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene—are common ingredients in nail polish that harden it, maintain color, and provide flexibility and shine. However, studies have linked these three toxins to cancer and birth defects if inhaled as fumes or absorbed through the skin over time. Many companies have started removing these ingredients from their products, but not all do, so you should be discerning in the brands you choose.

Constantly wearing polish without giving your nails a break can also dry out and weaken your keratin over time. This is especially a risk if you use nail polish remover to clean off an old color before applying a new one. Some remover contains acetone, which is a toxin that saps the moisture from your nails and can make them more brittle.

If you plan on enjoying decorated toes this spring and summer, pay attention to nail polish safety and don’t neglect your toe health. Invest in polish that does not contain the three “big bad” chemicals. Apply the appropriate base coats before using the color, and monitor the strength of your nails. Give your toes a few days to breath color-free before applying fresh polish.

If you’re concerned about your nail health, don’t just continue painting your toes and hope you don’t have any problems. Instead, let Country Foot Care evaluate your toes and invest in your nail health. Request an appointment or more information by calling our Mineola or Williston Park, NY, offices at (516) 741-FEET or by using our online contact form.

Photo Credit: Maggie Smith –

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