Mineola Podiatrists
Address: 155 Mineola Boulevard, Suite B, Mineola, NY 11501
Call: (516) 741-FEET
Monday: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Tuesday: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Thursday: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 1:00pm (please call ahead)
Sunday: CLOSED
Please note: Country Foot Care has another office in East Williston with a different schedule for your convenience.
Our Country Foot Care office in Mineola is centrally located on Mineola Boulevard, close to Winthrop Hospital. Like our other office in East Williston, our Mineola office combines the technologically advanced foot care of today with the friendly, small town atmosphere of years ago. We treat the full range of podiatric conditions, so you can trust your feet and ankles to us. Our highly trained doctors specialize in individualized care, focusing on your particular problem. We are qualified to diagnose and treat a wide variety of disorders, from everyday conditions like athlete’s foot to serious injuries or malformations that require surgery.

Reasons Patients Come to Country Foot Care
Like most people, you probably spend a great deal of time on your feet, not always while wearing properly supportive footwear. You may also have exacerbating conditions, such as being overweight, having a hereditary tendency to foot and ankle problems, or exercising without proper preparation. Whatever the underlying cause, you can comfortably consult with us about any of the following:
- Ankle pain, bruising, swelling, or limited range of motion
- Heel, arch, or top of the foot pain
- Gout
- Plantar fasciitis
- Toenail fungus
- Hammertoes
- Fractures of a toe or a small bone of the foot
- Turf toe
- Ingrown toenails
- Foot odor
At Country Foot Care, we are confident in our diagnostic approach. You can feel sure that, once you enter our door, you will be treated with courtesy and respect by some of the most experienced foot doctors in practice anywhere on Long Island.
Diagnostic Procedures Administered at Country Foot Care
Beyond a thorough physical examination of your feet and ankles, we are well-equipped to use whatever up-to-date technology is necessary to properly diagnose your problem. We have X-rays to examine your bones, and ultrasound to investigate your soft tissue. We also administer vascular tests to our diabetic patients. When necessary, we may also take scrapings of nail or tissue if we believe a microscopic examination is needed to determine whether fungal or other abnormal tissue is present.
At-Home Remedies and Medical Interventions
All responsible doctors treat their patients with conservative measures wherever possible. RICE (an acronym for rest, ice, compression and elevation) is often sufficient to treat minor injuries by reducing pain, swelling and inflammation. Many times, however, further medical intervention is necessary.
You may require one of the following treatments, all available at our Mineola office:
- Laser therapy for fungal nails
- Shockwave therapy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy -- ESWT) for intractable foot pain
- Surgery to relieve pain and restore mobility and flexibility
Surgeries we commonly perform include:
- Bunionectomy
- Fusion
- Tendon surgery
- Neuroma surgery
- Hammertoe surgery
Because we are interested in maintaining the health of your feet and ankles, in addition to providing diagnostic and treatment services, we have a medical shoe store in each of our offices.
Medical Shoe Store
Not only is Country Foot Care a medical office where you will be taken care of by congenial, efficient, and effective professionals, it is a medical shoe store where you can shop for shoes that you are sure will be supportive as well as attractive. Because you will be shopping in an office housing well-trained podiatrists, you can relax and enjoy being guided and fitted by trained experts.
Our medical shoe store, run by a pedorthist, is suited to meet all of your needs for comfortable, reliable footwear, including:
- Compression stockings
- Diabetic shoes and socks
- Orthotics for athletes and non-athlete
- Braces for those with foot, ankle or leg problems
- Custom-made shoes
Request an Appointment
At Country Foot Care in Mineola, we will welcome your troublesome feet and ankles with open arms, ready to offer you the best possible care. Our focus is on making you more comfortable so that your feet are not the focus of your attention and you can return to your normal routine as quickly as possible.
To request an appointment fill out the following form.