Sticking in Screws and Plates

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Orthopedic Implant Screw

The word “hardware” typically evokes mental images of nails, screws, power tools, and other construction material. It isn’t usually associated with medicine; however, it can be an important part of surgical repairs. Not all structures will naturally stay where they need to be as the parts and pieces heal. They must be held in place by hardware. In some people, however, those metal parts themselves can lead to discomfort. Painful hardware isn’t common, but it can necessitate an additional surgery.

Why Use Hardware?

Problems like serious fractures or connective tissue ruptures require surgical intervention to realign separated fragments and pin them in place so they will heal. To hold the pieces together, physicians use hardware like metal plates and screws or stitches. These are attached to or inserted in the bone or tendon, then left there as you recover. Some physicians will remove metal hardware after a certain period of time as a part of the treatment. Many, however, leave it in the body. Any non-absorbent stitches used will also stay in place. This practice is frequently harmless. In some cases, however, metal parts can rub against tendons or other soft tissues. Pressing against them from the outside may produce tenderness and discomfort. They may even protrude slightly from the bone, making it prone to irritation. This painful hardware needs to be addressed to restore comfort to the lower limbs and prevent problems with protruding parts.

Cutting out the Pain

Pain following surgery isn’t necessarily caused by hardware, so you’ll need to have your affected foot evaluated to determine the source of your discomfort. Our expert staff here at Country Foot Care will examine your foot or ankle and may use diagnostic images to check the position and alignment of the any plates and screws in your body. If a problem with the hardware is the root of the issue, our podiatrists, can help you determine the best path forward for dealing with the problem.

Sometimes the discomfort can be addressed by adjusting padding around the parts. Wearing thicker socks or adding cushions around the foot or ankle can relieve pressure on prominent hardware. If this does not help relieve the discomfort, you may need to consider an additional procedure to remove the plates and screws inside. Our doctors will determine when the original injury has healed enough to permit removal of the parts. Then we perform the second procedure and begin physical therapy and other recovery processes to help you regain range of motion and strength as quickly as possible.

Removing painful hardware does come with some degree of risk. While many people experience significant relief, not everyone has their symptoms eliminated. Additionally, removing screws from the bone can leave the tissue weaker and risk re-injury. The healing time is also extended because the body needs to recover from the additional procedure. Whether or not your removal will succeed depends largely on your unique situation and symptoms, so discuss all the risks with your physician.

If metal hardware from a surgery is causing you significant distress, let Country Foot Care help you eliminate your pain and restore your lower limbs. Contact our offices in NY, for an appointment or more information by filling out the online contact page or by calling (516) 741-FEET.

Photo credit: Praisaeng via

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