Laser Treatment for Toenail FungusanswerIn many cases, a full laser treatment series does end toenail fungus. Your nails are restored so they grow in clear and healthy. Following Country Foot Care’s complete aftercare protocol helps protect your feet from re-exposure and infection, too, particularly while you’re healing.

However, resolving one case of nail fungus does not guarantee you will never develop the problem again. The fungus that causes the infection exists all around you in the environment. Since the microorganism is not a bacteria, your body doesn’t develop an immunity to it. People who develop nail infections also tend to be naturally more susceptible to the pathogens. How you take care of your feet after the laser treatment eliminates the initial infection determines if it’s really the end for your fungus. If you don’t participate with our aftercare, you are far more likely to develop the problem again, particularly if you do not care for your footwear.

If you’re concerned about re-infection after laser treatment, or you’d like to deal with the problem once and for all, Country Foot Care doctors are here to help.  If you would like to make an appointment simply call our offices or submit a request online by clicking the MAKE AN APPOINTMENT button at the top of this page.