Yes, you can treat foot odor and eliminate it. The foul smell is caused by colonies of bacteria that live on the surface of your skin and mix with your foot’s sweat. The bacteria breaks down the sweat compound, but in the process produces the unpleasant smell. To get rid of foot odor, you need to address your sweaty feet. Wear ventilated shoes that allow your feet to breathe and use socks that wick moisture away. Use clean socks every day and rotate through pairs of shoes so that each can dry out for a while before you wear them again. Make sure you wash your feet with soap and water every day as well.
If you have a hard time eliminating the odor issue, our team here at Country Foot Care will also be able to recommend therapies or products to use on your feet and in your shoes. If you’re embarrassed by your smelly feet and would like to make an appointment to learn more you can do so in one of two way. First, you can request an appointment online using the MAKE AN APPOINTMENT button at the top of this page. Second, you can call our offices directly where members of our friendly staff are waiting to assist you.