Dear Patients,
The entire staff of Country Foot Care hopes you are healthy and safe. It now appears likely that we will need to keep our practices and business office closed past our original anticipated opening date, which was April 6, 2020. We will be sending another update with a new re-opening date once the Coronavirus is better controlled and the office is safe for our patients and staff.
Starting on or about March 26, 2020, Country Foot Care will be offering TELEMEDICINE access to our patients that will allow patients to contact, speak with and/or “see” one of our doctors whenever you have a foot or ankle related problem. Accessing Country Foot Care TELEMEDICINE is very easy. Simply go to the website and click on the green TELEMEDICINE button on the top right hand corner of our website using your cell phone or your computer. Enter your first and last name in the popup box and click the CHECK IN button.
One of our doctors will be notified once you check in. The doctor will either connect with you or call you back if they are with another patient. If you are using a device with video capabilities, you will be able to use it to show the doctor your foot or ankle problem.
You can use the CONTACT US button on our website to leave a medical message for the doctor or a message pertaining to any non-medical concerns you have, or call the office at (516) 741-3338 and leave a voicemail that a member of our staff will respond to as soon as possible.
Country Foot Care TELEMEDICINE using any of the contact points mentioned in this update will provide you with an easy access point that will allow our doctors to help you during these very challenging times. As this technology is relatively new to our practice, the doctors and staff ask for your patience and understanding if we are unable to immediately respond to you. We will do everything possible to address your issues in a timely fashion.
Best regards,
Steven D. Brook, DPM, Founder Country Foot Care