Country Foot Care

Cinderella Surgery: How A Classic Fairy Tale Inspired Modern Madness

As American women strive to be fashionable, some are making horrible foot health decisions with long-term repercussions.


The eldest went first into the room where the slipper was, and
wanted to try it on, and the mother stood by. But her big toe could
not go into it, and the shoe was altogether much too small for her.
Then the mother said, “Never mind, cut it off. When you are queen
you will not care about toes; you will not want to go on foot.” So the
silly girl cut her big toe off, and squeezed the shoe on…

Excerpt of Cinderella by The Brothers Grimm

For those who in their youth read (or had read to them) the original Cinderella fairy tale, the passage above is familiar. For many who did not but recently saw the film adaption of Into The Woods, the movie brought the scene to life in a toned-down but still graphic way. Most people would laugh off the thought of cutting off a toe to fit into a shoe. If you are one of those then what you are about to read may make you question the sanity of others.

In 2001 a prominent Beverly Hills podiatrist began to see an increase of requests among his well-to-do female clientele for aesthetic foot surgeries to correct things like “high-heel foot,” “hitchhikers toe” (where an unusually large big toe sticks out of open-toed shoes like a hitchhiker holding out his thumb) and “toebesity.” As more podiatrists are being approached for aesthetic foot surgeries by their female patients, the requests have included the shortening, lengthening or even the complete removal of toes (aka ‘Cinderella surgery’). Another popular procedure involves the injection of fat into the bottom of the feet to create a built in cushion pad. What are the reasons for these requests? So the ladies having these procedures can wear high-end shoes by Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin and others. What vanity desires, “Cinderella Surgery” and other aesthetic foot procedures can provide.

While those who undergo these procedures can surely justify their having them, the reality is that to remove healthy tissue and bone or otherwise alter the nature of their foot for cosmetic reasons may lead to health issues later on in life. The human body is a unique machine. Each part designed for a purpose and when all work in concert people can achieve amazing physical feats. Cinderella surgery and other cosmetic procedures that are performed on the feet may allow the wearing of fancy shoes now but in ten years time the ability to walk properly may be severely compromised. The costs that would accrue for the various specialized shoes and other equipment that may be required to allow these women to walk properly could be greater than the cost of the shoes themselves.

So, in a sense, those who undergo unnecessary cosmetic foot treatments to wear fancy footwear could be paying long after their shoes have gone out of style. These are costs no one should willingly pay for the capricious whims of fashion. As our media driven society continues to focus on celebrities and their fashion sense, the fans of these celebrities seek to emulate them. We recommend that these fans draw a line in the sand and put the focus on maintaining optimal health over following fleeting fashion trends that change without a moment’s notice.

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