Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: Soft Tissue

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PlateletsThe human body has remarkable processes in place to heal you. When something goes wrong and your tissues suffer damage, your body switches into action to repair the problem. Sometimes, however, your body does need a boost to make this happen—but man-made, synthesized remedies can have side effects. Treatments like platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses your body’s own natural healing processes to manage and speed your recovery.

All-Natural Methods

Platelet rich plasma is an injection of your own blood that has been separated into its components, so the platelets are more concentrated than they normally would be. Your blood is made up of liquid, called plasma, and the solid matter that floats through it: red and white blood cells, as well as platelet pieces. These platelets help clot blood when you have a cut and carry proteins called growth factors that repair damage. They play an important role in healing injuries.

PRP injections are based around the idea that increasing the amount of platelets in an injury will help stimulate and speed up your natural healing. It uses your own blood so your body won’t react to a foreign substance. To make the injection, several tablespoons of blood are drawn, then a portion of that is put into a centrifuge. That blood is then spun until it separates into its main components. The now-concentrated plasma and platelets are recombined with the un-centrifuged blood, creating a platelet-rich solution, which is then injected directly into and around the injured area.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Research on this therapy is mixed. Some soft tissue injuries respond positively to it, while others do not. It also seems to help improve your recovery after surgery. Conditions that do respond to it are usually chronic tendon or ligament issues, such as plantar fasciitis.

At Country Foot Care, plantar fasciitis is the most common condition we treat with platelet rich plasma therapy. Since it works well for both conservative and surgical cases, we may recommend it for chronic plantar fasciitis that isn’t responding to other conservative therapies, as well as for post-surgery heels that need an extra boost to completely recover. The process of spinning and separating your blood does take time, and the PRP injection, like other shots, can be painful. Before you choose to have this treatment, we will discuss with you the best ways to manage the procedure without discomfort.

After the injection, you will most likely need to take it easy and rest your affected foot for a few days so that the healing process can begin. We will follow up with you to make sure your heel is recovering the way it should. Then we can help you begin any physical therapy stretching and strengthening you need to restore your feet.

If you’re struggling with plantar fasciitis or some type of tendonitis that isn’t healing, even with extensive conservative therapies, platelet rich plasma may be the treatment you need to boost your body’s natural healing processes. Don’t wait until your condition limits your mobility and activities to seek help. Contact Country Foot Care in New York. Submit a request online or call (516) 741-FEET to see how we can help you.

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